TimeSet App: Use Social Discovery To Explore The World

by Oct 17, 20160 comments

Genre : Social
Platform : Android
Developer : TimeSet Inc
Rating : 4
Positives : UI, graphics, simple
Negatives : none

Social discovery and global exploration has been made much easier with the recent unveiling of the TimeSet app by the TimeSet Inc. This incredible app allows different users to perfectly pin their photos to their geo-locations. This makes it quite efficient for other TimeSet users to have an incredible opportunity to carry out different explorations all over the world and enjoy such adventurous experiences. TimeSet app has integrated an amazing interactive platform that ensures there is a perfect communication channel for its users with regard to different locations. Besides, it becomes quite easy to upload and share photos with friends and other community members and get likes and varied comments. Through social connection, TimeSet app is set to make destinations discoverable thus making it easy to explore them.

The Operation of the TimeSet app

With the use of a global map, TimeSet app allows individuals to easily upload their geo-tagged images that have in a chronological setup. The users can also proceed to share their discoveries, experiences, personal places, set goals and even future exploration dreams. Different posts from all over the world can be made on the Timefeed where other TimeSet users can view them and express their opinions about them. This incredible app is designed to act as a source of inspiration to people where they can go out, explore the world and achieve their long-time dreams. Whether it is about watching a new favorite movie or enjoying the cool breeze of Bermuda beaches, TimeSet app is fully committed to make such a dream a reality in the best way possible.


Here are the essential features that one will discover from the TimeSet app:

Bucketlist items

TimeSet app has created a great platform where like-minded individuals can have a chance to connect and interact based on their interests. There is a wide range of categories from which the user can create the bucketlist. Users can save different pictures of the places that they wish to travel and based on their interests. These may comprise of interests such as games, sceneries, ancient cities, cars, fashion and even technology.

Discover places with the map

Apparently, the user will discover that the hand print logo applied in TimeSet app is symbolic. It is actually meant to represent the experiences of each individual and the ultimate story that they have to tell. Such a story is presented using the photos that the user is able to post. Besides, the list of achieved goals displayed on the bucketlist can also explain the story of a dream come true.


Interact in a community

TimeSet Inc. is keen on ensuring that the users are socially connected based on their interests and passions in exploration. It therefore allows creation and joining of a community of individuals brought together to discuss a common goal. Such a community can be a source of inspiration and motivation in making the exploration dreams a reality. Besides, the members can share different geo-tagged images and encourage each other to complete their bucketlist items.

Filter the view content

As an individual, privacy might be an issue of concern when it comes to interacting with the TimeSet users. TimeSet app has been designed to offer each user some peace of mind while using the app. Thus, it provides options where one can comfortably manage the friends, locations to follow and the number of followers to have. With TimeSet app, satisfaction and safety is guaranteed.

Invite friends for adventure

The main aim of this app is to enhance social discovery and global exploration. In order to perfectly achieve this, TimeSet app allows individuals within a community and preferably in a localized area to send invitations for imminent explorations. Such individuals can actually organize and ultimately meet in person to enjoy the experience together. This can be indeed a moment worth remembering!


Compatible Devices for TimeSet app

In relation to compatibility, this app currently requires Android device platform; preferably version 4.1 or any new one available in the market.

Here are the Pros and Cons that have been discovered in the TimeSet app:


· Easy to setup and operate

· High quality geo-tagged photos

· Fantastic bucketlist with set goals

· Great interaction in communities

· Interesting exploration as a group


· Prone to mild profanity

· Mild performance if not updated


In this current world, social connection and global exploration are evident. Getting an effective platform that can enhance the entire exploration experience can be quite interesting. TimeSet app has been developed at the right time to offer the ultimate solution to different individuals all over the world. Its remarkable performance and high quality formation are true indications that this 5-star app is indeed exceptional. Get it today for absolutely free on the Google Play and join others on a global exploration!

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