Did you realize that 70 percent of the businesses in the United States report having at least one project management failure in the last year? Often times, a lack of foresight and goals is to blame for these types of failures. If your business specializes in the development of new software programs, finding a way to make this process more efficient should be one of your main goals.

For most modern software development companies, using DevOps and Agile principles during the development of a new product is essential. When done correctly, the DevOps method will allow you to produce functional software in no time at all.

However, there are some unique challenges you will face when adopting and using DevOps principles. Read below to find out about some of the biggest challenges facing DevOps in 2019.

Getting Employees Used to Collaborating

The main thing you have to do when trying to adopt DevOps successfully is to create a culture of collaboration. If your employees are used to taking on tasks alone and completing them, getting them used to collaborating with other team members can be extremely difficult.

Without a great deal of communication and collaboration, it will be very difficult to take on complete large-scale software development projects. Instead of throwing your hands up and getting frustrated with a lack of collaboration in the beginning stages of DevOps adoption, you need to work on being patient.

Doing things like scheduling regular team meetings is a great way to reassure and inform your employees about the new road you are taking them down. Leaving them out of the loop will only lead to more confusion and mistakes as time goes by.

Eliminating Legacy Systems Can Be Difficult

At the heart of a successful DevOps implementation is cloud-based or hybrid IT infrastructures. Many businesses are still running outdated and inefficient legacy systems. While getting rid of these systems in lieu of modern cloud-based solutions may seem fairly simple, it is anything but.

Often times, businesses using legacy systems will have all of the sensitive and vital information stored on them. This can make transitioning to a cloud-based system more challenging. The key to getting this transition made is by starting early on.

Before you move completely to a DevOps methodology, you need to choose the right cloud-based tools and start moving your information to them. If you don’t have the time or the patience to do this work on your own, then hiring an IT company to help out is essential.

Making a game plan ahead of time can help you make this transition much smoother for everyone involved.

Selecting the Right Tools For the Job

Another challenge you will face when trying to make the DevOps methodology work for your business is choosing the right tools. Working with cloud-based project management software is vital when trying to increase productivity and efficiency. These programs will allow you to assign tasks to your team and track their progress in an easy-to-use dashboard.

Continuously testing the software program you are building is also a vital part of the DevOps philosophy. Using a program like Papertrail is a great idea due to the insights it can provide. This log analyzer will take all of the error logs your program is generating and put them in one place. Once your team reads over these error logs, they should have no problem fixing the issues at hand.

DevOps Adoption Takes Time

Before starting the DevOps adoption process, you need to realize this takes time. Rushing through the adoption and implementation process can lead to lots of mistakes being made. Making a game plan ahead of time can help you make this transition much smoother for everyone involved.